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Comment 16 for Proposed Amendments to the ATCM for Chromium Electroplating and Chromic Acid Anodizing Operations (chromeatcm2023) - 45 Day.

First NameBrett
Last NameCowan
SubjectBan on Hex Chrome in California

My name is Brett Cowan an I've been an automotive mechanic and classic car enthusiast for over 30 years. I'm writing today to oppose the ban on Hex chrome in California. Not only will this do nothing to diminish any pollution in the state of California it will merely drive out more small businesses that barely got by during your Draconian measures put into place during the great Covid 19 debacle. This seems to be a witch hunt against the automotive industry that seems to be one of Gavin Newsome's favorite past times.  It doesn't appear the science behind this decision really has any merit.  Once again the State of California is attacking the freedoms and rights of working class citizens with false accusations and unproven science.  Quit focusing on the small Mom and Pop shops that make this country and this State what it is and focus on the real issues (homelessness, crime, political insider trading, illegal immigration, fentanyl) just to name a few. 

Thank you....Brett Cowan

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-12-14 17:22:12

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