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Comment 28 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameJulia
Last NameLowe
AffiliationSierra Club Winding Waters Group
SubjectEnd the current LCFS policies that reward factory farm polluters
Governor Newsom and administration, please understand my concern.

Factory farm gas is not clean energy. It's composed primarily of
methane, a potent greenhouse gas that traps 80 times more heat than
carbon dioxide. 

The extraction of methane from factory farm waste does nothing to
alleviate the massive harm inflicted by factory farms on local
communities. The production of methane from factory farms causes
public health and climate impacts, compounding the existing impacts
from factory farms. 

The LCFS is a California policy, but it is driving the expansion of
factory farms and factory farm gas in numerous states, including MY
state. Last Friday I attended an all day Ag Bioscience Conference
that was sponsored by Duke Energy. The only type of Climate
solution discussed was Agrivoltaics, of which I approve and
encourage farmers to include in the long-term plans for their land.
Solar farms on Ag land make a lot of sense, not burning and
producing more Methane that our atmosphere already cannot take.
What kind of technology is?  This is a set back to our survival, it
is a FALSE CLIMATE SOLUTION and it should be stopped. Please do
nothing to incentivize polluting factory farms. We have enough of
them in Indiana and I don't want any more. Turn to cleaner energy
technology now. Thank you, Julie Lowe, Columbus, Indiana

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-08 08:20:12

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