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Comment 71 for Proposed Low Carbon Fuel Standard Amendments (lcfs2024) - 45 Day.

First NameEmily
Last NameWatson
SubjectFactory Farming and the allegiance to disregard
I often wonder what kind of human has the gall, emotional
paralysis, and substantial lack of compassion that they are able to
bear witness to the horrendous living conditions and ultimately,
barbaric death these sentient beings are subjected to. 
One might argue, "they don't know any different." To that I ask, if
you grew up with debilitating physical abuse in your house, would
you think that was normal and you would be fine because you don't
know any better?
If we are being honest with ourselves, the answer would be no.
What if our babies, as soon as they are born, are taken from us.
Chained to a dog house until they are sold to be killed and we are
then raped of the nutrients our body made specifically for our
offspring so someone else could get money.
Money. For what? To drive a stupid fancy car? To buy a big house
you eventually take for granted? To tell people you have x amount
of dollars so you can make yourself feel a little better about
being you?
It's trafficking at the most basic have advocated for
this. You have sold yourself and your basic human beliefs for
Take a step back and think about what factory farming really is and
then look at yourself in the mirror in a quiet room and sit with
the fact that YOU have killed, abused, and neglected your fellow
beings so YOU could have money. How sad of an existence is that
How cheap your soul is to be bought so easily and at the
disregarded suffering of others. Think of your most beloved
relative who as a child, you thought hung the moon. What would they
think if they walked beside you everyday and watched what you did
to animals.
It's a shame, really. We all used to have compassion,  empathy, and
respect for all those around us. I dream of a time when we get back
to that. Sure, there are populations who consume meat and that is a
choice we all have the right to bare. What's wrong with doing it
the right way and having pride in what you contribute to the world?
Where has the pride gone?
End factory farming. It's what's good for all of us and something
we collectively can be so proud to be a part of.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2024-02-16 08:33:08

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