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Comment #9 for Public Workshops on Investment of Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities
(sb-535-guidance-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Teagan
Last Name: Clive
Email Address:
SubjectRodeo - Crockett in Same Census Track
I noticed something significantly different between the
EnviroScreenTool 1. and 2.
that could impact the eligibility for the community of Rodeo.
Somehow, it's been coupled with Crockett in the same Census Tract.

Both towns exist alongside the Phillips 66 refinery on the San
Pablo Bay, and both of them are unincorporated.  That's about where
their similarities stop.  Rodeo is
a blighted communitity with shoestring services provided by the
It's socioeconomics, education level, unemployment, hazardous
waste, TRI rating, medical treatment services, community functions
and political representation
couldn't be lower.  In fact, it's home to one of the largest
Housing Authorities in America.  Each time the town tries to pass a
measure to improve the schools -- or
any helpful tax measure -- Phillips 66, the largest landowner,
shoots it down. Thus, the central gathering place is a liquor store
where people sit on garbage cans drinking out of paper bags first
thing in the morning.  Even Safeway, the only source of fresh food
for the community, is preparing to close this year.  For most
residents, the only way out is a commuter bus that passes through
several times a day. 

This is a sincere request for help.  Please note the differences
between Crockett and
Rodeo as soon as possible.  Because Rodeo's problems are so unique,
and Crockett has their own seperate issues, we can't be combined
with them -- or any other place.  Thanks for your consideration.   

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-09-03 07:36:41

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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