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Comment #12 for Cap-Trade Draft Regulation to Reflect Linkage
(april-9-draft-reg-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Mr. Douglas
Last Name: Davie
Email Address:
AffiliationWellhead Electric Company, Inc.
SubjectComments of Wellhead on the March 30, 2012 Draft Regulatory Text Changes
Dear Mr. Cliff, Ms. Sahota, and Mr. Olsson,

Wellhead Electric Company, Inc. appreciates this opportunity to
submit comments on the March 30, 2012 Discussion Draft Regulatory
Text Changes to Accommodate Linkage with Quebec and would be
pleased to answer any questions you have.

Respectfully submitted,

Douglas E. Davie
Vice President

Original File Name: 2012_04_13_WellheadComments_Final (00066380).PDF

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2012-04-13 15:07:17

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