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Comment #2 for Carbon Neutrality: The Role of Carbon Capture, Sequestration, and Options for Utilization
(cn-ccapture-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Sidney
Last Name: Bennett
Email Address:
SubjectCement Kiln CO2 Capture Research
I enjoyed the presentation on the challenges of capturing CO2
emissions from California's cement kilns during today's webinar and
the need for more research to make the process economically
feasible.  I recommend  the research include the use of high
temperature nuclear reactors under development for a closed cycle
CO2 fluidized or rotary kiln calciner.  The CO2 is heated by the
reactor, fed to the calciner, pure excess CO2 generated removed,
and then fed back into the heater.  Due to the State's moratorium
on new thermal nuclear power plant construction until the nuclear
waste issue is solved, the research should focus on proposed
designs that use spent nuclear fuel. 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2019-12-11 15:24:39

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