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Comment #18 for Public Workshop to Discuss Potential Future Changes to the LCFS Program
(lcfs-wkshp-dec21-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Helena
Last Name: Birecki
Email Address:
AffiliationClimate Reality Bay Area
SubjectFor sustainability, Biofuels growth must be limited. Cleaner options +use reduction needed
The changes you are considering to the LCFS program will catalyze
changes that last for many years to come. 

For this reason I strongly echo the ICCT (International Council on
Clean Transportation's) comment that recommends "that CARB sets a
cap on the volumes of lipid-based biofuels credited within the LCFS
to limit growth to the amount that can be sustainably supplied from
domestic resources." 

I further urge you to remove the assumption that between 25 and 50%
of animal and human food calories diverted to biofuels will not be
replaced (graph sharable by permission from presentation by Tim
Searchinger, Senior Fellow at World Resources Institute, attached).
The middle and upper class throughout the world eats more, and in
fact more meat, now than ever before. It will be those who are
already struggling to survive that suffer.

I also ask you to consider that the health of those living near
refineries is harmed extensively, and a "switch" from fossil fuels
to biofuels does not alleviate that harm. Only a reduction in
pollution, and a promotion of truly clean energy sources vs false
solutions, will help.  

I hear that currently there are no "good solutions" for some
industries. However, consider that human health absolutely depends
on adequate sources of food. In contrast, aviation, which didn't
even exist when my grandfather was born, is clearly non-essential.

I laud CARB's mission, which first and foremost is to "promote and
protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources." Please
accomplish it by keeping pubic health, welfare and sustainability
the top priorities in your decision-making. Thank you.

Original File Name: CARB Calculations on biofuels.png

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2022-01-06 13:34:57

If you have any questions or comments please contact Office of the Ombudsman at (916) 327-1266.

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