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Comment #36 for Cap-and-Trade Regulation Amendments Workshop
(ct-amendments-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Nicholas
Last Name: Balistreri
Email Address:
AffiliationUniversity of California, Office of the
SubjectSupport of UPSE Continued Transition Assistance
Dear Board Members:
The University of California (UC) supports the California Air
Resources Board’s (CARB) staff proposal to continue to provide
transition assistance through the annual allocation of allowances
to universities and public sector entities.  Under the proposal,
universities would continue to receive an allocation based on an
established baseline multiplied by the annual cap adjustment
factor.  This provision is an equitable solution, balancing
monetary incentives to reduce emissions, while allowing for funds
to be redirected toward greenhouse gas reduction efforts. In 2016
this provision saved UC almost $9 million, which will allow it to
spend the funds on projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions on
its campuses.

Nicholas Balistreri

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2016-11-04 15:19:41

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