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Comment #37 for Public Workshops on Investment of Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds to Benefit Disadvantaged Communities
(sb-535-guidance-ws) - 1st Workshop

First Name: Federal
Last Name: Glover
Email Address:
SubjectSB 535
September 9, 2014

Honorable Matt Rodriquez 
Secretary, Cal EPA
California Environmental Protection Agency
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Mary Nichols
Chairman, California Air Resources Board
California Air Resources Board 
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Secretary Rodriquez and Chairman Nichols:
I am writing to express concerns about how CalEnviroScreen (CES)
version 2.0 is being used to allocate state cap-and-trade revenue. 
As the Contra Costa County Supervisor who represents constituents
that live in the unincorporated communities of three different
refineries, Phillips 66, Shell-Martinez and Tesoro, I am extremely
disappointed that the current California Environmental Protection
Agency’s (CalEPA’s) identification of disadvantaged communities for
priority excludes the communities of Rodeo, Crockett, Tormey, Vine
Hill, Pacheco and Clyde in CES 2.0’s analysis.

I strongly support prioritizing funding for these disadvantaged
communities because of the need to improve the quality of life for
these county residents. Many Bay Area Communities with some of the
highest poverty rates and greatest health burdens (asthma rates and
low birth weight) are not identified in this model and
CalEnviroScreen Method 1 used a 20% threshold that identified fewer
than 3% of Bay Area census tracts as disadvantaged.

I would like to request that you direct your staff to make
common-sense corrections to CES 2.0 that will reflect the realities
of disadvantaged constituents around the state.  Specifically, I
request that:
CES 2.0 not be applied for allocating funding until your staff has
had the opportunity to correct flaws identified by our regional
agencies that clearly bias the tool against many urban region of
the state.
Funds be initially apportioned on the basis of regional
populations, who can then use more precise tools developed locally
to delineate disadvantaged neighborhoods or overlay CES 2.0 within
that region.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important issue.  I
hope you will take the comments here into consideration.
Federal D. Glover

Original File Name:

Date and Time Comment Was Submitted: 2014-09-12 16:55:33

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